3 parties in 3 days, and 1 more by Friday!
I enjoy having people up, but I know by Monday night, I will be glad it's over for a few more days...
On Saturday, our friends, The Cooks, came up for fishing, & a BBQ. They wanted to come up to go fishing, and this led to that, and we ended up having the BBQ too. It was a fun day. Their little boy, Jaron, who Lindsey just loves, got bit by a turtle, and the stupid thing about ripped Jaron's finger off... okay, maybe not that bad, but it was pretty WOW! He was fine after the band-aid was put on. I think the Cook family won the fish off... I think they caught 7, while we ended up with 6. No keeping them, or eating them, as I don't do that kind of fish. Oh, wait... do I even do fish? Nope! I did make some good burgers & hot dogs on the grill. :-)
Today we had the missionaries up, and guy in our ward whose family is still in Utah. They are trying to move here, but have to sell their house in Provo first (any buyers?). I fixed a roast beef-type sandwich (thanks Val!), and all of it was eaten. It was really yummy!
Tomorrow for Memorial Day, Shawn's siblings are coming over. We are doing another BBQ. I think Shawn has had to work for the last 3 Memorial Days' so, we have a good excuse to party again! I may by some soda for the occasion. We hardly ever have soda at our house (except for what I buy @ Sonic), so I know my kids will be happy. Wish we had a pool though.
Next party is on Friday night!! Josh graduates from high school!!! He was asked to say the opening prayer for it. He is pretty scared & excited about that. Anyone who reads this is invited! Party starts at 9pm! Good food!!
Side note: Shawn & Josh are doing a great job with my entry way. We had a man come look at the area where the stairs are suppose to be, and he said that he can have them made probably within the next week-2 weeks. I am pretty excited about that. Plus it's not going to be as much $$ as I thought.
Lauren & I had to give talks today in Sacrament Meeting. Lauren did a great job, and Shawn said that my talk was good. They both were on testimony. I hope I did okay. I always worry that I may say something wrong, or not right, but Shawn asured me that I did good.
Joey is over his fever, but now Lauren & Kayley have them as of this evening. Good thing there is no school tomorrow. The Cook's daughter had a fever last night too before they left, but was at church today, so hopefully it's just a 12 hr thing... is there such a thing?
2 Read What I Wrote:
Your talk was AWESOME!!! I LOVED Sunday! You and H. J. should go on circuit!
I want the recipe for the "roast beef-type" please!
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