All because two people fell in love...

We met in February 1989, started dating in May, and got married in September. And Josh came *almost* 11 months later, just in case y'all were wondering. And then no more came. We waited, and waited, and then Lauren decided to make her debut in May 1995 (5 weeks early), and then Kayley 1997, Jacob 1998, Krissy 2001, Lindsey 2004 & Joey 2006. We lived in Texas until 2005, and then we moved to Arkansas, just about 25 miles north of Texarkana, Texas. Fortunately all my children are Texans (and my handsome husband) because Texans are just cool. Wish I was a Texan... but husband had to settle with a California gal, which I think is pretty cool too.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The joys of season change...

Kids getting snot noses & coughs... dog now jumping at the door wanting to come inside... flies moving at a slow speed... mice coming in the house to get warm... ya. Mice. Our storage room started to smell like death. We knew a dead mouse was somewhere. Shawn got home last night from work, and he also smelled it. We started to clean out the storage room. We cleaned off the shelves and beneath them too. None. Shawn pulled out the frige... first dead mouse. Been there for a while... pretty much dried out. Pulled out the freezer... 2nd dead mouse. Dead probably a few days. Still pretty "juicy" there. And smelling really really bad! Got rid of that one too. Cleaned really good under there, and used Clorax wipes to clean the floor some more. Doesn't smell of death in there anymore. We decided to put the dog food in a plastic bucket for now. Hopefully that keeps the mice out. Maybe I should get a small metal trashcan? Now I have to go put some of my stuff back that I was to tired to do last night...

1 Read What I Wrote:

Anonymous said...

maybe if you moved back here then you wouldn't have mice!