All because two people fell in love...

We met in February 1989, started dating in May, and got married in September. And Josh came *almost* 11 months later, just in case y'all were wondering. And then no more came. We waited, and waited, and then Lauren decided to make her debut in May 1995 (5 weeks early), and then Kayley 1997, Jacob 1998, Krissy 2001, Lindsey 2004 & Joey 2006. We lived in Texas until 2005, and then we moved to Arkansas, just about 25 miles north of Texarkana, Texas. Fortunately all my children are Texans (and my handsome husband) because Texans are just cool. Wish I was a Texan... but husband had to settle with a California gal, which I think is pretty cool too.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Movie alert!

I have to say, I really really love this movie. I thought my last pick was good, and it really was (what was it? I can't even remember now!), but this is my new favorite! I got it from Netflix, and I have watched it like 4 times already! Thanks Suzanne for recommending it! I sent it back today, but if anyone would like to get me a present for my birthday in 2 days, I would love it! :-)

I absolutely loved loved loved this coat!

And this was my 2nd pick.

And I loved this scene. I am glad Andy finally stood her ground to Miranda, but I will say... I secretly loved Miranda. Thought she was awesome! Hehehe!!

1 Read What I Wrote:

Anonymous said...

i saw this movie in the theatre and absolutely loved it! i don't watch a lot of movies, but this was one i that i definitely enjoyed. maybe we'll rent it again and watch it!